who we are

We envision a world where every stray animal is being valued, taking care for and living in a safe and loving environment.
We are dedicated to work tirelessly to create a community where every stray receives the love, care and dignity they deserve.
To end the suffering of stray dogs and cats and ensure humane treatment of them by mass sterilization programmes.
Every stray deserves a healthy, happy life free from suffering. We believe in kindness and strive to create a better place for all.
Respect for strays, others, ourselves and the future
The welfare and happiness of all strays is our priority
Responsible stewardship of donor funds
Acting ethically, responsibly and fairly in our work
Get as much as possible funding for sterilizations
Sterilize as much stray dogs and cats
Building respect for all stray dogs and cats
Encourage local animal welfare of stray dogs and cats
- Because our passion and commitment are sky rocket high to help strays.
- The team has shown they are capable of handling good and large projects and have established a great and international network already with various beneficiaries.
- Our passion is unlimited and it will never be ending.
- We strongly believe in our solution and are committed to contribute forever.