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80% of stray dogs sterilised under government program...
SINGAPORE – A programme to manage the population of stray dogs by trapping and…

SINGAPORE — In a move welcomed by animal welfare groups, the authorities will embark on..

Trap-Neuter-Rehome/Release-Manage (TNRM) programme...
Mr Desmond Lee, Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for Natioa…

Vasectomy vs Neuter
Vasectomy and neuter are two surgical procedures that are commonly performed on dogs to prevent unwanted breeding.

I’ve been blogging and writing columns for pet health publications for nearly a decade now.

Should I Consider Hormone-sparing Sterilization For My Dog?
Spaying and neutering are ways to sterilize dogs so they cannot reproduce.

Witness of the silent suffering: A stray's life in Romania
One simple tram ride in Bucharest made me understand what the word “homeless” means.

Romania Animal Rescue's Center of Hope
From suffering to saving, Romania Animal Rescue makes a difference in Eastern Europe

Dog Care
Assisting Animals helps to improve the lives of stray animals in particular in India via our Stray Assist programme.

Why don’t we give dogs and cats vasectomies?
Neutering is an important aspect of preventative healthcare.

The Catch-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return Approach
The only humane and sustainable solution to protect millions of strays cats and dogs.

Cat Behavior and Training
Cats that are kept for companionship are typically neutered (castrated), unless they are intended to be used as breeding stock.

Full castration may be the most well known neutering option for our canine friend.